Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mighty Stonehenge

Dankness and rain to wrap up November, and authorities at Weather Central claim that metro Chicago might be thumped with a snowstorm around the first of December. Something fitting about that, I guess, but I can’t claim to be happy about it.

I seem to have an actual occasional reader outside of my family and a few friends, a fellow named Keith Demko in Macon, Georgia. Impossible to say how he came across BTST2, or why he bothered to read any of it in the first place, but he’s commented twice now when I’ve mentioned a movie (in the case of Borat, one I haven’t seen even yet). Nice to get the feedback, Keith.

He keeps his own web log, Reel Fanatic, about the movies he’s seen, and he sees a lot of them. And writes well about them, too, more thoughtfully than some people who are paid to write about movies. According to “About Me” at the bottom of his page, he says, “When I was very young, my father brought home a little movie called This is Spinal Tap, and I have never been the same since.”

Which tells me that he must be a fairly young man. When I was very young, or even not so young, it was impossible to “bring home” a movie. Also, I was fully grown when This is Spinal Tap came out, though I still smile at the thought of seeing it for the first time at Vanderbilt’s movie theater, probably about a year after it was released. It has many, many funny things in it, of course, but I don’t think I’ve laughed harder at any scene in any movie than I did as “Mighty Stonehenge” was being lowered on the stage, accompanied by a couple of dancing dwarves.

I haven’t done it recently, but some years ago when Lilly played with clay more than she does now, I would create a tiny trilithon structure out of clay and tell her it was “Mighty Stonehenge.” She would just tell me I was weird.

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