Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Thing 1 & Thing 2 Live!

Ann came home from school today with a paper Cat-in-the-Hat hat on her head. Somewhere in far-off Pedagogia (that is, the National Education Association), someone decided that Theodore Geisel's birthday, which is today, should also be Read Across America Day. Making paper hats must be part of the event, if you're in the first grade.

Adults would do well to check out some of Dr. Suess' lesser-known works, though I have seen them collected in books.

We had a short discussion of The Cat in the Hat over dinner tonight. Not my favorite Suess as a kid, but fun all the same. I wondered out loud whether the Cat had a name, since "Cat in the Hat" is more of a sobriquet, though I didn't put it that way. Then I speculated that he's retired now, living in West Palm Beach or somewhere. Thing 1 and Thing 2, on the other hand, still do a show in Branson. By this time, Lilly and Ann were ignoring my suggestions.

It's also Sam Houston's birthday. And Texas Independence Day. Just thought I would throw that in.



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