Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Toy-Sharing Arrangement

Funny things, memory and language. Thought of that profundity today when I was returning one of Lilly’s toys to its storage place, ahead of Lilly’s return from school. If Lilly discovers that her sister’s been playing with this or one of a handful of special toys, a ruckus will erupt, so I usually put it back.

I’ll also see to it that she doesn’t read this posting. Easy enough, so far, since she really doesn’t know her way around the Internet. This won’t last.

The toy in question is practically indestructible, so I let Ann have it during school hours, if she asks for it. When it came time to put it up today, she said, “It's not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair.” She’s at the age of constant new spoken-word acquisition, and it’s often mildly surprising, as if I hadn’t been through this before. But in way, I haven’t, since I find it nearly impossible to remember when Lilly couldn’t talk.

Ann's busy at concept acquisition, too. Not fair indeed, my little one, not having constant access to such a fine toy as a tea party set of pink and purple plastic, fashioned in far-away Guangdong Province or somewhere like that. Not fair at all, but I’m hard pressed to think of what is.


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