Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Spot of Spring

During the daylight hours, we could walk through the doors to the outside without feeling a sudden slap of cold, or even much difference in temp. Spring! Get out the Maypoles. I don’t think Schaumburg has a municipal Maypole, but it ought to. Or maybe we should leave Maypole erection to the private sector, since I understand that Maypole nationalization in the UK didn’t really work out as well as the reformers thought.

I may be wrong—I don’t get out enough—but it seems that Maypoles, in this country away, are more creatures of illustration than tangible items, like a burglar’s mask or a hobo’s bag tied to a stick. Every one knows what one looks like because illustrators copy other illustrations.

Whatever the status of Maypoles, it was warm enough for the kids to play outside without coats or even jackets. Warm enough to return a couple of folding chairs to the deck, and park myself in one of them for the few minutes that I could spare. Warm enough to enjoy the wind on my face (it was windy today too). Trouble is, the day’s warmth will in no way be sustained. It may not freeze again much till October or so, but there will be plenty of cold days to come.

But never mind. Carpe diem, which in this case meant lounging around outside and reading for fun in the wind.


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