Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ann Constructions & One by Lilly

Ann has a strong liking for tofu, which she will eat in a bowl with soy sauce. She calls it “tow-food” (or I guess that could be “toe-food,” but something’s vaguely gross about that).

She has many opportunities to disdain things. She says, “I can’t want it.”

From her child-seat view in the car a few weeks ago, she described the scenery of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan this way: “Trees more, trees more, trees more.”

For a long time now (months is a long time for her), a balloon has been called “balloon-ma.” Not sure where she got that one.

Lilly has lately taken to saying, “I’m going out for some fresh air,” as if the air around metro Chicago were particularly non-particulate. To this I’ve been saying, “Get me some too.” It’s beginning to annoy her.


At 11:04 PM, Blogger Geofhuth said...

Ah, Dees, Tim called tofu "tofood" when he was a child, too. Not sure how I eventually spelled it in the family dictionary, but you could look it up.

If more Americans ate tofu and fed it to their small children, I bet "tofood" would be well known. It's a word that demands re-invention all the time.


At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dante, my 4-year old, said "I can't want it" all throughout his third year. Now, he has progressed to "I don't want it" but has not progressed to wanting many more foods than pasta, pizza(but not "salad pizza" with anything green), cereal, apples, pears, cucumbers and chicken. I am sure that something as exotic as tofu could not be wanted.


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