Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ford, Revisited

My first visit to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids was detailed on these very pages more than three years ago (see March 4, 2005), when I visited by myself. This time I was with many more members of my family, and Ford himself is now in residence on the museum grounds, under -- or behind -- an astonishingly plain stone wall bearing the epitaph, "Lives Committed to God, Country and Love," plus "Gerald R. Ford 1913-2006" and "Elizabeth Bloomer Ford 1918-." I didn't take a picture of the grave site, though I had a camera. An image is here.

Lilly was busy taking pictures of and at the museum, however. Such as an exterior of the main entrance:

This space oddity below is outside the main entrance. Ford isn't generally associated with manned space flight, but why not, I say. Interesting that the astronaut seems to be floating at the back of the rocket. Even a minor burn for a mid-course correction's going to toast him.

Inside, I found a display of WIN buttons, patches and other WIN items, that eluded me on my last visit. It's a fuzzy image, but it still captures the array of WIN that most of the nation never even knew existed.


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