Sunday, August 16, 2009

Air & Water '09

My feet have that mild ache that comes from walking on them for some distance on the hard sidewalks of the city. My better judgment recommended against going to see the Chicago Air & Water Show today, but I ignored it. All four of us went: Car to the station, train to the city, bus to the vicinity of the event, feet to the event and then part way back to the station.

More on all that later, plus a separate excursion on Friday into Chicago, still one the Great Cities of the Earth, and a place I don't visit nearly enough any more. For now, a little detail about what we found today at the North Street Beach, where the masses had massed. I couldn't really get any decent pictures of the airplanes, but I did manage a few other shots. This is the back of a small sample of the masses.

There were a lot of vendors, but also a handful of anti-military protesters.

And a fellow with a sign about the true nature of space aliens. Good thing he was there to keep everyone informed about that.

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