Monday, February 12, 2007

Feng Shui Day

Got a form letter not long ago from the broker who showed us the house we now occupy. His keep-me-in-mind letters are always professionally cheerful and upbeat, and often he includes frig magnets, calendars and pro football and baseball schedules in his mailings. Every item has his picture on it. He’s a pro, for certain.

It had to happen. This time he included a leaflet called “Feng Shui 101.” A thing to make your eyes roll, it is. I’ve posted about feng shui before, but it’s been a long time, so let me reiterate: feng shui no more belongs in North America than banana trees belong in North Dakota.

But I’m just a cynic. The leaflet does have some good home decorating advice. Never put a bed in the bathroom, for instance, because foul chi is known to ooze from water pipes at night; if your door is red, resist the urge to paint it black; and at all costs, align that couch on your porch so that it can’t be seen from the street.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger nylonthread said...

Also, never buy a house with a centrally located room that has no windows (excluding closets) because someone who lives there will go insane! It's true.


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