Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Holstein Cattle Ass of Japan

These are pictures to remind me of our honeymoon, nearly 14 years ago. We went to Hokkaido, northernmost of the main islands of Japan, and different in a number of ways from the big main island, Honshu. Mainly, not nearly as many people – less than 5 percent of the nation’s population lives there, if I remember right, but Honshu is only about three times as large in terms of area.

Hokkaido also has fall foliage as fine as any I saw in New England, East Tennessee or Mongolia. We were there in late September and early October, and greatly enjoyed the colors.

None of which I’m posting. These pics are from the south coast Hokkaido seaside town of Hakodate. Excellent sushi there. And it’s home, according to this sign, of the Holstein Agricultural Co-Operative Association of Hokkaido and the Holstein Cattle Ass of Japan Hokkaido Branch. The Japanese on the sign tells me that there’s no kanji (Chinese characters) for Holstein. It’s in the phonetic katakana, reserved for imported words.

Just down the street from the Holstein Cattle Ass (I think) was one of my favorite point-of-interest signs anywhere. It says: “100m [to] Japan’s oldest concrete electric pole.”

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